What are price cubes?
Price cubes are small blocks printed with numbers and price symbols, which click together and free-stand next to the relevant product on display. One of the most popular applications for jewellery pricing labels, however, we are seeing more and more examples of them be used effectively for stationery, handbags, shoes, art, electronics and more recently e-cigarette and vaping retailers.
4 things to consider before buying price cubes for your store:
1. Style
There are three dominant styles for you to choose from. The first is the more traditional price cube, which consists of a printed number, character or symbol on a coloured plastic cube. You will find these cubes within our Nouvelle range and with the Retro Mini cubes too.
The second style is almost exactly the same as above, except the printed number, character or symbol is embossed on the cube. So the character stands slightly proud of the cube, whereas the first style is smooth. You will find these in our Retro range, sizes Medium and Large.
The third style is the shiny Metallic option, available in Gold and Silver. In this luxury price cube style the material itself is cut into the shape of the character.
Please just note that the different styles are not compatible (i.e. a £ symbol from our Nouvelle range, will not ‘click’ into a number 1 character from our Retro range).
Our website shows the most common options, but if you are looking for something slightly different or keen to coordinate your price cubes to your own brand colours and font, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch as we have completed a number of projects like this.

2. Size
This is somewhat of a balancing act. The price cubes need to be in proportion with the item on display, but your customer also needs to be able to read the price from a distance.
Our advice is that the medium and mini cubes are ideally suited to smaller items, such as jewellery, watches and pens. Whereas the larger cubes are more commonly used with handbags, mobile phones, notebooks and electronics etc.
Don’t worry though, if you buy the wrong size you can always swap it with us.

3. Symbols
What is the format and currency in which you price? For example, which currency symbols do you need and to what decimal point do you intend to price to.
Our Nouvelle and Retro price cubes allow for maximum pricing customisation. Whereas our Metallic Price Cubes do not allow decimal values (e.g. £12.99) as they only come with a .00 value as the end digits.
If you are looking for letters of the alphabet, as well as numbers, then our Retro range offers this option.
Our team love a challenge, so if you can’t find the particular symbol you are looking for, do let us help you out.

4. Volume
Quantities of each cube depend firstly on the number of products you want to display and secondly on the value. For example, 50 products will need x50 currency symbols and x50 decimal points and prices such as £1222.99 will need a different spread of numbers than prices such as £1000.00.
All of our price cubes are available in small and large kits. You can also buy extra cubes in packets of 20 or 100. The kits offer the most cost-effective solution (price per cube), whilst the packets allow you to increase quantities of particular digits e.g. £ or € or top-up at a later date.
For bulk orders, our team can help you work through these considerations and put together kits to match your specific requirements.

Customers using our price cubes and kits
Paperchase were looking for price cubes in their own brand colours and fonts, for their special display glass cabinets. Mission accepted. The Display Centre specified their requirements to the factory and commissioned some samples for Paperchase to approve. The full order was then manufactured, divided into individual store kits and delivered to Paperchase’s own distribution centre. Our price cubes can now be seen in Paperchase glass cabinets up and down the country. Mission accomplished.
Cruise Industry
Retail is important to the cruise industry. We were approached by a leading UK cruise retail partner to put together a particular kit of Nouvelle price cubes. Each kit had specific quantities of each currency symbol, size specifications and were styled to suit the various shops onboard. Our kits are now operating on ships around the world and all marked up to allow them to be processed by the various central distribution channels.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the exact size of the individual cubes?
Our Nouvelle Price Cubes are available in three sizes: Large (7mm x 9mm), Medium (4mm x 6mm) and Mini (3mm x 4mm).
Our Metallic Price Cubes are available in two sizes: Large (14mm) and Medium (8mm).
Our Retro Price Cubes are available in three sizes: Large (7mm x 9mm), Medium (5mm x 6mm), Mini (3mm x 5mm).
How do I choose the right size price cube for my product display?
This is somewhat of a balancing act. The price cubes need to be in proportion with the item on display, but the customer also needs to be able to read the price from a distance. Our rule of thumb is that the medium and mini cubes are ideally suited to small items of jewellery whereas the larger cubes are more commonly used with handbags, mobile phones, notebooks and electronics etc. Don’t worry though, if you buy the wrong size you can always swap it with us.
What colours are the price cubes available in?
The most popular colour combinations are white on black, black on clear, black on white and white on red. Our Metallic Price Cubes range is available in silver and gold. However, if you are looking for something slightly different or keen to coordinate your price cubes to your own brand colours and font, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.
Can I buy cubes with letters on?
Yes, our Retro Price Cube range offers cubes with letters of the alphabet on them in Large, Medium and Mini, but these are only available in black and white text.
How do price cubes attach to my display?
All of our price cubes are free-standing. Each cube or character ‘clicks’ together to form the final price display. Please just note that our Nouvelle price cubes are not compatible with the Retro Price Cubes.
Does the price cube kit for shops come with currency symbols?
Only our Nouvelle price cubes kit comes with currency symbols. Currency symbols will need to be purchased separately for our Retro and Metallic kits. You can purchase these and extra symbols with our Extra Characters Kits.
Can I price to different decimal points?
Our Nouvelle price cubes allow for maximum customisation and you can display any combination of cubes you wish. The Metallic Price Cube range does not allow decimal values (e.g. £12.99) as they only come with a .00 value as the end character. Similarly, the Retro price cubes should finish with an end cube, for example .00, .95, .99, otherwise the connector will be exposed at the end.
What are the differences between the Nouvelle and Retro price cube ranges?
Our Retro Price Cubes are sourced from our partner Lansa SA with whom we work closely. Whereas the Nouvelle Price Cubes range is our own brand, which offers a cost-effective alternative available in a wider range of colours.
Is it possible to purchase extra price cubes individually?
Yes of course. You can also purchase extra symbols with our Extra Characters Kits.
Can I customise my price cube kit?
Of course you can. We love helping you find exactly what you’re looking for, so do get in touch.