Male Mannequins

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Matt White Sitting Male Mannequin

SKU: 205380
£203.12 ExVAT

Headless Male Mannequin – Matt White “Jake”

SKU: 204184
£137.61 ExVAT

Black Egghead Male Mannequin with Ears

SKU: 205420
£187.11 ExVAT

Matt White Egghead Male Mannequin

SKU: 205340
£157.46 ExVAT

Black Headless Male Mannequin

SKU: 205390
£143.55 ExVAT

Black Egghead Male Mannequin

SKU: 205400
£142.56 ExVAT

Gloss White Abstract Male (Arms by side) “David”

SKU: 206025
£167.20 ExVAT

Black Seated Male Mannequin

SKU: 205460
£179.18 ExVAT

Polycarbonate Matt White Features Male Mannequin

SKU: 205350
£159.02 ExVAT

White Egghead Male Mannequin with Ears

SKU: 205410
£158.40 ExVAT

Speckled Egghead Male Mannequin

SKU: 205490
£163.35 ExVAT

Matt White Featureless Full Body Male Mannequin “Tom”

SKU: 204109
£331.79 ExVAT

Male Mannequins

What is a Male Mannequin?

Male mannequins are life-size, three-dimensional models designed specifically to display clothes for sale. They provide shop owners with a versatile method of showcasing their merchandise in a human-like form, enticing potential customers and boosting sales. Using a male mannequin in your shop grants you an impressive canvas to display all kinds of fashion items, from headwear down to shoes. They provide customers with a visual guide, helping them envision how different pieces may look on their bodies. Crucially, a male mannequin brings garments to life. It grants customers a tangible representation of how clothes might drape, fit, and pair with other items. This invaluable tool can increase customer confidence and satisfaction, leading to a noticeable uptick in sales.

Male mannequins are a must for all fashion retailers because they enable you to display your clothing as effectively as possible. Mannequins are available in various shapes and sizes as men’s clothing is sold in many variations. However, when dressing your mannequin, always be mindful that the clothes should speak for themselves.

We supply a range of colours, finishes and styles. This includes matt and gloss, with the option of a headless, egghead and full facial features. All free-standing male mannequins come with the base included. This base is either finished in metal or glass (specified on the product page) and can be inserted into the foot or the calf. Furthermore, our range of mannequins includes units manufactured from different materials, including our economy range of plastic mannequins. Although, we also stock a wide variety of traditional fibreglass displays.

How to Use A Male Mannequin

To make the best use of a male mannequin, follow these expert tips:

  1. Dress the mannequin in an on-trend outfit highlighting complementary items in your range.
  2. Accessorise with hats, belts, or jewellery to complete the look, demonstrating the versatility of your items.
  3. Position the mannequin carefully within your store, ensuring high visibility and creating a ‘hero’ display to capture shopper attention.
  4. Experiment with combinations and positions to keep your displays fresh, boosting customer interest and encouraging repeat visits.

Described as an essential item for all fashion retailers, male mannequins help you display your clothes to their fullest potential.

In conclusion, male mannequins represent an unrivalled method of displaying your menswear collection. Handily available in our UK warehouse, these life-like models provide an engaging shopping experience and help boost sales. If you need help finding the right unit within our range please contact us. In addition, we also have an article that will help you to buy the right display mannequins for your shop. Even better, we can help you create bespoke male mannequins. We can help source the correct style and paint in the desired Pantone colour or brand with a logo. All these things can help you make your clothes look their best and give you the edge over your competition.

The Display Centre supplies over 4,000 retail displays and business supplies. For more information about this, or any of our products, please use our Contact Us page.