Female Mannequins

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Headless Female Matt White Mannequin “Jodie”

SKU: 204014
£273.87 ExVAT

Black Headless Female Mannequin

SKU: 205385
£128.70 ExVAT

Matt White Egghead Female Mannequin

SKU: 205345
£138.81 ExVAT

Black Egghead Female Mannequin

SKU: 305395
£143.55 ExVAT

Black Sitting Female Mannequin

SKU: 205455
£160.13 ExVAT

Black Female Mannequin with Ears

SKU: 205415
£143.55 ExVAT

Female Featureless Matt White Mannequin “Jodie”

SKU: 204105
£210.59 ExVAT

Polycarbonate Matt White Features Female Mannequin

SKU: 205355
£140.19 ExVAT

White Female Curvy Mannequin

SKU: 205465
£173.25 ExVAT

Black Female Curvy Mannequin

SKU: 205470
£173.25 ExVAT

Plus Size Female Mannequin – White

SKU: 205475
£193.05 ExVAT

Plus Size Female Mannequin – Black

SKU: 205480
£193.05 ExVAT

White Egghead Female Mannequin with Ears

SKU: 205405
£143.55 ExVAT

Speckled Egghead Female Mannequin

SKU: 205485
£148.50 ExVAT

Female Mannequins

What is a Female Mannequin?

A Female mannequin is a realistic, life-sized model used primarily in retail to showcase apparel and accessories. These mannequins help shoppers visualise the potential of various clothing items. Described as an essential item for all fashion retailers, female mannequins help display your clothes to their fullest potential. Female clothing is sold in all shapes and sizes therefore mannequins should also be available in various options. However, the thing to remember when dressing your mannequin is to let the clothes do the talking.

From window displays to the heart of the shop floor, female mannequins are undoubtedly the stars of a clothing display. They provide realistic, engaging visuals that transform everyday clothing into must-have fashion pieces. When shoppers see how a garment fits and drapes on a mannequin, it becomes easier to envisage it in their wardrobe. Female mannequins are the silent salespeople of the retail industry, communicating the appeal and potential of clothing without a single spoken word.

Dressing a Female Mannequin

To use a female mannequin for maximum impact, follow these steps:

  1. Select a garment and carefully dress the mannequin, paying attention to how the clothing fits and drapes.
  2. Add complementary accessories like scarves, belts, and jewellery for a complete look.
  3. Adjust the pose if possible to showcase the garment’s movement and flexibility.
  4. For optimal results, choose mannequins that reflect your brand’s diversity.

Various sizes, poses, and colours can ensure your store appeals to a wide audience and presents an inclusive shopping experience.

Female Mannequins for Sale

We supply a range of colours, finishes and styles. This includes matt and gloss, with the option of a headless, egghead and full facial features. All free-standing female mannequins come with the base included. This base is either finished in metal or glass (specified on the product page) and can be inserted into the foot or the calf.

Furthermore, our range of mannequins includes units manufactured from different materials, including our economy range of plastic mannequins. Although, we also stock a wide variety of traditional fibreglass displays. If you need help finding the right unit within our range just contact us. In addition, we also have an article that will help you to buy the right display mannequins for your shop.

Even better, we can help you create bespoke ladies’ mannequins. We can help source the correct style, paint to the desired Pantone colour or brand them with a logo. All these things can help you make your clothes look their best and give you the edge over your competition.

Browse our selection of high-quality female mannequins, and if you need assistance, please call our Display Experts at 01329 842 00.