Jewellery displays can be more difficult to balance than many other types of shop display. In part, this is because the merchandise is small and detailed. So, capturing the attention of a passer-by can be more difficult. Particularly as more time is required for someone to fully appreciate a piece.
Subtle adjustments to a display can make a large difference to the number of people who stop to browse, as well as to the conversion rate. For example, our price cubes were adopted by Fossil and within just a few weeks the purchaser told us that the cubes had increased their sales by 9%. But we’ll talk more about that later.
Continue reading for our 6 tips for improving jewellery displays.

Just a few of the jewellery displays in our range
1.Less Really Can Be More
Often jewellers worry that browsers will not like the pieces that are on display in their shop window. For this reason, there is a tendency to want to fill a window display with as many pieces as possible. But sometimes having the confidence to display just a few items, is a lot more powerful.
This is partly because, by only having a few pieces on display, jewellers can encourage passers-by to focus on those items without their eyes jumping from piece to piece. Of course, this probably doesn’t mean that you want to only place one item in your display cabinet. But, it does suggest that by selecting items from a few different styles in your range, you’re more likely to have passers-by lingering and absorbing the detail of your work.

In addition, by creating a selective display, you encourage customers to enter your shop and browse. If you have everything you have in your window, then their walk around your shop is likely to be quick and a little disinterested. Whereas, if you disperse the ranges that you have in your window display around your store, and create a focal point, you will encourage customers to walk around your whole shop as opposed to taking a brief look in the window and then leaving.
2.Separate Jewellery
Although it can be tempting to sort by colour or size, jewellery is usually best separated by quality and style. For example, if you have some vintage pieces these are best displayed in one section, while the more modern pieces are in another.
In addition, you may want to consider different styles of jewellery display for different ranges. For example, plain coloured busts may be best suited to some styles, while modern jewellery may be best displayed with clear glass blocks. Colourful items could look best on natural wooden display busts.
Simple changes can also help to attract attention to a window display. For example, by pricing your items with black price cubes and your sale items with small red and white price cubes, you can attract attention to your sale items without having to detract from the jewellery pieces themselves.
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3.Move It!
There are two parts to this tip. The first part is – if you’re not changing your displays regularly, they will become stagnant. This isn’t just moving your jewellery pieces around, this should also be changing the surrounding pieces very slightly.
Unfortunately, humans de-sensitise to things very quickly. So if your displays are not changing very much week on week, regular passers-by will begin to top noticing you. This could be changed by just adding a tiny flourish of colour by laying one or two artificial Gerberas on top of your cabinet corners to subtly include a spring theme or by adding window vinyls to the top corners of your window.

This brings me onto the second part of this tip, which is to choose a few centre pieces and place them on small rotating turntables.
The movement of a powered tuntable can increase sales by as much as 30%! This is because humans are naturally drawn to the movement. The small amount of extra attention that the movement attracts, causes shopppers to linger for slightly longer on the item. This is a highly effective way of engaging them and beckoning them to come and have a closer look. In addition, detailed pieces benefit from this as different angles of the piece can be seen easily.
4.Price Up
Earlier I spoke about Fossil and how they found that that their sales increased by 9% when they started pricing their items with our price cubes.
It is quite common for jewellers to avoid pricing items as they’re concerned that customers might be put off by the price tag. But by leaving off a price tag, jewellers leave their customers’ imaginations to run wild. This can leave customers too nervous to talk about an item for fear that they may be embarrassed by the item being out of their price range. By clearly pricing items, jewellers can set the expectation.

5.Eye Line Is The Buy Line
Items sell best when they are positioned between the height of a shopper’s head and hands. This is the most comfortable height for a shopper to browse and allows shoppers to inspect the detail of jewellery items easily. Display cases that are too high, or too low, are uncomfortable to browse and so less time is spent inspecting the items.

Don’t forget to display point of sale literature like business cards and small booklets of your designs. This will make a good impression on shoppers entering your store and will also encourage them to take something with them. So, even if they do not buy something on the spot, your business card or leaflet will be with them when they next go to buy. Use something like a business card holder or leaflet holder to keep your POS neat and to save counter space.
In addition, your POS displays should encourage social media engagement. For example, you could encourage customers to sign up to your updates or follow your Twitter account for an information sheet on how to look after their jewellery or for cleaning advice.
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